OOP: Difference Between Class VS Interface

Hello I’m Johan Antonius Salim, i’ll show you the difference between Class and Interface


Class is a prototype, or blueprint, or design that defines variables and methods on all specific objects. Class functions to hold the contents of the program to be run, which contains attributes / data types and methods to run a program.
Class is a blueprint or print for creating an instance of an object. class is also a group of objects with similar attributes / properties, behavior and relations to other objects.


Interface is a list of method declarations. the content / implementation of all its methods is outside this interface. The content / implementation of all its methods is outside this interface. The attribute of the interface is only a constant and the method is a declaration. the syntax is entirely abstract (in the form of a declaration)

Source: http://www.nblognlife.com/2013/12/oop-bedanya-class-abtract-dengan.html#:~:text=Suatu%20abstact%20class%20hanya%20bisa,bisa%20meng%2Dextend%20interface%20lainnya.